1. An original animation cell from the show
You can find a handful of these on eBay. Super cool to have something original to the show!
2. The book that started it all: "Gnomes" by Huygen and Poortvliet
Gnomes by Wil Huygen and Rien Poortviliet was released in 1977 and was the inspiration behind the show "David the Gnome". The book is a bit rare, but you can find on Amazon.
3. We all know the best part of the show was when David would ride his trusty fox Swift. Here's a beautiful pillow to commemorate that.
You can pick up this beauty on Etsy.
4. An original troll toy
Those trolls were the freakiest. So if you want to haunt someone's dreams, this is perfect for you. Another gem from Etsy.
5. Ah, what the heck. Here's another troll toy!
These guys really are something. Pick it up on Etsy.
6. Did you know there was a David the Gnome board game? Well now you do. And hopefully you speak Dutch
This is for sale over on eBay.
7. Okay, this one's a bit weird. Remember how the gnomes were always taking baths? Here's a playset of them being naked... in the bath.
At the time of writing, this is listed for nearly $500, so if you're super passionate about this... uhh.. facet of the show, then go pick it up on eBay.